


Having delved into content creation, particularly in the realm of live streaming, and having amassed a substantial following of over 10 thousand on, I aimed to find ways to support my creative ventures financially. Reflecting on the frequent discussions about striking a balance in life during my live streams, I decided to translate this concept into a clothing line. Given the positive reception and interest surrounding our conversations on achieving balance, I saw an opportunity to offer merchandise centered around this theme.

Tools Used

Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop

Project Info

Purpose: Product Design
Role: Designer, Photographer
Team: Solo Development
Year: 2022
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I began by engaging the community through polls featuring various ideas, and it became evident that the concept of balance resonated most profoundly. Subsequently, I developed designs in alignment with my brand identity at the time and partnered with a drop-shipping company for printing. I personally procured the products, staged, modeled, and photographed them. Following this, I established my website using Squarespace and made the merchandise available following a modest advertising campaign targeted toward my community.


36 people bought merchandise from the store, totaling $1199 of revenue. The significance of that not only was in the amount of money the idea generated, but the impact it had on people. To this day, community members have messaged me saying how great of a reminder it has been for them.
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jake 1

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