
Blackstrap Product Design


The Bend, OR based outdoor company Blackstrap™ reached out to me about creating and submitting my illustrations for their artist’s series of face masks to bring to their shareholder event in 2020. They asked me to create two designs that, if chosen, would be a part of their summer collection of fly fishing gear.

Tools Used

Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator

Project Info

Purpose: Blackstrap Facemask
Role: Product Design
Team: Jake Fischer
Year: 2020
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I created multiple iterations of my two ideas in Procreate based on reference photos from Central Oregon, and the local fish that are often found there. I then presented my ideas to the Graphic Designer at Blackstrap who I got feedback from. Once I had finished the sketching and ideation, I worked in Illustrator to come up with the final illustrations.
Fiz Mockup Image Two


The two designs that I had submitted were chosen out of hundreds of designs at the Shareholder event. My designs ended up being two of their top selling Artist’s series face masks on their website for the 3 years they were available. As one of my first professional design projects, I found it exciting to be able to see my work being sold and used all across Bend and the entire country.

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