
Corvallis Microfluidics Tech Hub



The U.S department of Commerce within the White House announced the creation of 31 “Tech Hubs”. Out of these 31 tech hubs, two departments within Oregon State were chosen to represent them, one being the Corvallis Microfluidics Tech Hub. CorMic, as it’s often referred to as, reached out needing a Logo to represent their organization. The problem involved finding an appropriate solution to visualize their not so visual science, Microfluidics.

Tools Used

Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Indesign

Project Info

Purpose: CorMic Logo Development
Role: Research & Logo Design
Team: Jake Fischer,
Sharon Betterton
Year: 2023
Arrow Icon
Fiz Mockup Image Two
Iteration 1 Image
Iteration 3 Image
Iteration 2 Image

Concept & Development

The ideas we agreed to explore were the combination of the science of microfluidics visually with either Oregon's landscapes or an embodiment of Corvallis and the Benton county area.

As someone who’s not very familiar with the science of Microfluidics, we thought it’d be best that ample research be done before starting the design work. This included competitor research, type research, and a substantial amount of reading on the topic of microfluidics itself. After doing so, the design process included many logo directions and type variations as illustrated above.


Being able to contribute to the face and visual identity of such a significant leader in the science of microfluidics and the tech hub initiative was extremely rewarding and a great experience to elevate my design work on a more professional standard. Coming up with, and designing around sciences that most people have a hard time visually communicating made for a great creative challenge.
jake 2

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